Quarterly Newsletter - March 2023

We are almost a quarter through 2023 and many of us are seeing some much-needed signs of Spring! This edition of the newsletter is full of things that we hope will help you “spring ahead.” 🌷

📝 Embedding Guidance for Faculty in Canvas Courses 📝

In case you missed this highly engaging webinar, Dr. Susan Dellasega from Pittsburgh State University and Natalie Sharp from Cidi Labs shared how to use DesignPLUS templates and the Key Action Items feature to help faculty more easily meet Quality Matters Standards in their Canvas courses. Even if you don’t work with QM Standards, this webinar will show you how to embed your own best practice guidance within your Canvas courses to give faculty a huge jumpstart in the course design process.

🎉 Another amazing Customer Day is in the books! 🎉

In case you missed it, we recently held the first of our two semi-annual Cidi Labs Customer Days.  Many company and product updates were shared, along with extremely valuable ideas and tips for your accessibility journey during our lively panel discussion.  Check out the recording for:

  • A closer look at what’s happening with the new DesignPLUS Sidebar, the Cidiscape admin tool, and UDOIT Advantage
  • Loads of practical ideas for improving your accessibility efforts from our panel discussion
  • Exciting announcements about opportunities to collaborate on best practices within the user community

🏆 Spring Makeover Series and Theme Contest 🏆

During Customer Day 2023, we announced two upcoming community events: Spring Makeover Series and Theme Contest.

  • The Spring Makeover Series will be a video series where we makeover one page of a course for you and reveal it to you with campy home makeover drama.
  • The Theme Contest will challenge you to make Canvas themes or designs for themes; winners will be included in the upcoming next-generation Design Tools release.

Next email, we’ll share all the juicy details with you. Stay tuned!

🤔 Want to know more about UDOIT Advantage? 🤔

UDOIT Advantage is now available! If you are a current UDOIT Cloud customer, contact us to learn how you can upgrade to enjoy the benefits of the new file scanning and remediation that UDOIT Advantage offers. Curious to learn more? Follow the links below to sate your curious mind.

Educause logo

Digital Learning Tools Demo Day

As part of the Educause Digital Learning Tools Demo Day, we’ll be showcasing UDOIT Advantage in a live 45 min session.

April 27th

🛡️ Do you feel like a course design superhero with Cidi Labs tools? 🛡️

Our mission is to empower course designers and educators to easily and quickly create impactful, accessible learning experiences for all students. We want to hear from those of you who have stories to tell about how Cidi Labs products have helped you do more than you thought possible – maybe even helped you feel like a superhero with superpowers like these:

  • Task shrinking: Making difficult or time-consuming tasks become small and do-able in the blink of an eye
  • Barrier Blasting: Easily removing barriers to designing accessible, effective learning for all students
  • Course-ray Vision: Seeing deeply into and across courses to quickly detect and address readiness issues that impact student success
  • And more!

Please let us know if you’re willing to share your story by co-presenting with us at a conference, on a webinar, or in a case study. In addition to the opportunity to interact with Cidi Labs staff, you’ll also get some super cool swag.

Conference Sponsorship for 2023

Come see us in person at one of these exciting conferences this year. Are you presenting at any of these events on a topic we might be interested in? Let us know!

Connect With Us Online

Connect with Cidi Labs through one of our many social channels to stay up to date with events and news. We also have a Slack community for customers to ask each other questions and share resources.

Caricature person holding a megaphone

We appreciate the opportunity to serve such an engaged and enthusiastic community!

– The Team at Cidi Labs



