Introducing Cidiscape:
A Cidi Labs Reporting Tool

Gain a new perspective to answer important questions about the tools you’ve invested in. 

Cidiscape is a free add-on tool that provides a bird's eye view of the activity happening within your Cidi Labs tools across your Canvas courses.

Cidiscape icon

Have you ever wanted to know...

What percentage of your Canvas course content was created using DesignPLUS? 

Which Canvas courses haven’t run a UDOIT accessibility scan recently?  

How many files have been deleted using TidyUP across a set of older courses?  

All of these questions - and many more - can be easily answered using Cidiscape!

How it Works

Cidiscape FAQ

What is the cost of Cidiscape?


Cidiscape is available to all Cidi Labs customers at no additional cost!  Yes, really 🙂

Can my institution control who sees what in Cidiscape?

Yes!  Different levels of access to the tools and data in Cidiscape are set up through the use of Teams and each user’s role within that Team. For example, a Cidiscape institutional admin can create a read-only team member, who can only view data for a given batch of courses their team is assigned to.

What kind of information does Cidiscape provide about DesignPLUS?

With Cidiscape, you can see for your Canvas courses: 

    • Total number of content pages using DesignPLUS
    • Percentage of content using DesignPLUS
    • Whether the Canvas Syllabus uses DesignPLUS
    • When you transition to our New DesignPLUS Sidebar, you can track how much DesignPLUS content is New versus Legacy


