Happy New Year!

All of us at Cidi Labs are wishing you a fantastic year ahead. 
To kickstart 2020, we thought we’d share a few updates
that certainly have us ringing in the new year…


A Growing Community

Arms reaching toward Community sign

Shortly after the new year began, we welcomed our 200th customer into the Cidi Labs community!  That’s a whole lot of institutions using our tools to enhance the Canvas course experience. To encourage collaboration across these institutions, we’ve created a user group community space on Slack.  
Join Now

New Tools

TidyUP, UDOIT Cloud, ReadyGO

Did you know that we launched three new products in 2019?  Just like DesignPLUS, these innovative tools were developed by institutions in the Canvas community to solve important challenges, and Cidi Labs stepped in to “Saas-ify” the tools, making them broadly available and fully supported. 
Learn More

Webinar Series

Over the next few months, we’ll be hosting webinars to introduce each of our new products and share some case studies from institutions that are already using them.  Join us on Wednesday, February 12th to learn how you can start the new year eliminating clutter with TidyUP! 
Register Now

DesignPLUS Updates

Laptop with DesignPLUS displayed

Meanwhile, Kenneth remains focused on making DesignPLUS even more awesome than it already is and responding to your feedback.  Have you checked out the growing list of Hidden Gems that offer you even more ways to jazz up the design of your Canvas courses?  
Release Notes

Last But Not Least…  

Chrome 80 SameSite Compatibility:  All of the Cidi Labs LTI tools have been updated to address the samesite cookie changes coming in the Feb 4th release of Chrome version 80. This new version of Chrome will block all cross-site cookies that don’t have the attributes SameSite=None and Secure.  

Share with your team or friends at other institutions and help us spread the word! 

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