Discover Course Design Superpowers for Canvas

Deliver awesome, accessible learning experiences at scale.

We provide clever, affordable plug-in tools for Canvas that help course designers and educators dramatically increase productivity, ignite creativity, and scale the delivery of high quality, accessible learning.

Meet your game-changing tools.

Youโ€™ll feel unstoppable as you ward off the villains of limited time and resources to easily create engaging, impactful, and accessible learning experiences for your students.

Our products were developed by innovative universities to address challenges they faced in online course development.  Cidi Labs makes these innovations available to educational institutions everywhere by putting them in the Cloud โ€“ a.k.a. SaaS-sharing โ€“ and providing top-notch training, maintenance and support.

Our Customers 

Weโ€™re proud to serve over 500 educational institutions of all types and sizes, including: 

They say the darndest things.

Our Story

Cidi Labs was started in partnership with Utah State Universityโ€™s Center for Innovative Design & Instruction (a.k.a. โ€œCIDIโ€, hence our name!), with the mutual goal of finding better ways to design high quality online teaching and learning experiences. These origins in innovation and a passion for continuously enhancing the student experience are part of the Cidi Labs DNA.